Dynaflow Announces Major Software Release
Dynaflow Research Group is pleased to announce the new major releases of all of the DRG software products, including BOSfluids, BOSpulse, ISOtracer, and BOSview. Version 7.1.
BOSview is a free tool for rendering and inspecting 3-D piping models. It can import models from CAESAR II neutral files, structural steel files, and Piping Component Files. With BOSview you can quickly zoom into different parts of the model, measure distances between pairs of points in the model, and visually inspect the pipe and beam properties.
Developed by engineers, for engineers
More than 30 years of experience with surge analyses have been incorporated into BOSview.
We are committed to continue doing so in every new version of the software.
With BOSview you can share piping models created by our flow analysis tools BOSfluids and BOSpulse without exposing all model details. You can also share selected results by exporting them from BOSfluids or BOSpulse to a BOSview file. This enables you to work more closely and effectively with your clients without requiring your clients to install BOSfluids or BOSpulse.
BOSview enables you to review models created by our software and third-party applications. You can verify coordinates and dimensions, and visually inspect the properties of the (pipe) elements making up the model.
The software has a fast, accurate, and versatile file interface for models stored as a series of Piping Component Files. It can quickly import thousands of PCFs and connect adjacent (pipe) elements to each other. It can also import non-pipe components, including valves reducers, and piping supports.
Dynaflow Research Group is pleased to announce the new major releases of all of the DRG software products, including BOSfluids, BOSpulse, ISOtracer, and BOSview. Version 7.1.
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The Netherlands
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