BOSpulse, Giving You an Edge in Pulsation Analyses
You have come to the right place if you are looking for a better alternative to your current pulsation analysis software. Whether you are currently using commercial or in-house software, the rich feature set offered by BOSpulse is more than likely to make you more productive. Naturally, BOSpulse provides solid support for pulsation analyses according to the API 674 and API 618 standard.
In addition to that, it provides support for acoustic modal analyses and combined acoustic/structural analyses. By taking advantage of the import and export interfaces, together with the powerful model editing features, you can save time and avoid errors when setting op your models.
Model Variations
A pulsation analysis typically involves multiple operating cases, including a varying operating speed of the reciprocating equipment. BOSpulse enables you to handle these cases efficiently by means of scenarios and symbolic model parameters.
The latter involves defining a so-called parameter schedule that describes how the symbolic parameters are to be varied when performing an analysis.
Accurate Flow Solvers
BOSpulse enables you to choose between time-domain and frequency-domain flow solvers. The former involves the solution of the time-dependent, non-linear pipe flow equations by means of the method of characteristics. The latter involves the solution of a linear approximation of the flow equations in the frequency domain.
By applying a non-linear solution procedure for approximating the non-linear friction losses, the accuracy of the frequency-domain solver is comparable to that of the time-domain solver, even though the frequency-domain solver can be two orders of magnitude faster.
Acoustic Modal Analyses
By performing an acoustic modal analysis you can determine the natural acoustic modes and gain a better understanding of the acoustic response of a piping system.
This enables you to identify which modes lead to problematic resonance and to design effective mitigating measures to reduce the pressure pulsations to acceptable levels.
Custom Allowable Limits
BOSpulse naturally supports the latest editions of the API 674 and 618 standards. What is more, you can define your own allowable limits in the form of user-defined functions and apply those limits to an entire model or specific parts of it.
Import and Export Interfaces
By using the import and export interfaces provided by BOSpulse you can avoid manual, time-consuming and error-prone data conversions. BOSpulse can import piping models from pipe stress programs through its CAESAR II interface, and from CAD programs through its excellent PCF interface. It can also import compressor data and operating cases through its compressor file interface. You can export data, including shaking forces, to various types of files, including spreadsheets and pipe stress data files.
Automated Workflow
BOSpulse provides ample possibilities to integrate it with your workflow and to automate repetitive actions. For instance, by specifying model parameters as symbolic parameters you can quickly turn model templates into specific model instances. Because model files and results are stored in accessible file formats, you can use custom scripts and programs to generate or manipulate model files, and to process results.
Continued Development and Support
A purchase of a BOSpulse license is an investment in the future because BOSpulse is continuously being improved and extended with new features. By providing feedback and submitting feature requests you can directly influence the direction in which BOSpulse is developed, and make sure that you get more value out of your investment. In the event you have a question you can expect a prompt response from one of our software developers or engineers.
When switching from in-house software to BOSpulse you no longer have to spend effort on maintaining and testing your software. As a result, you will have more time to focus on performing pulsation studies and provide more value to your customers.
Combined Acoustic and Structural Analyses
Using the structural solver interface, you can perform combined acoustic/flow and structural analyses (Design Approach 3) directly from within BOSpulse, provided that you have an ANSYS license. If this is not the case, then you will find that BOSpulse interoperates efficiently with various pipe stress applications.
Resources Available
Training Courses
Learn more about the fundamentals of pressure pulsations in piping systems and how to assess them based on the API 628 and API 674 codes.
Licence Options, Features
Check out the license options and full list of features from BOSpulse.
Knowledge Base
Check out the latest product releases and articles that answer your technical questions.