Dynaflow Announces Major Software Release
Dynaflow Research Group is pleased to announce the new major releases of all of the DRG software products, including BOSfluids, BOSpulse, ISOtracer, and BOSview. Version 7.1.
Our engineers at DRG, including our software engineers, use our software products on a regular basis for solving a wide range of challenging problems. This means that we constantly get feedback that helps us developing software products that meet the expectations of its users. It also allows us to provide expert support to our software users.
Our academic background and close connections with a number of Technical Universities allow us to maintain detailed knowledge of state-of-the-art numerical methods. This knowledge, combined with our engineering experience in general and our software engineering skills in particular, enables us to deliver engineering tools that help you maintain a leading edge in your business.
Dynaflow Research Group is pleased to announce the new major releases of all of the DRG software products, including BOSfluids, BOSpulse, ISOtracer, and BOSview. Version 7.1.
Dynaflow Research Group will be one of the exhibitors at TPS Turbomachinery & Pump Symposia (TPS) in Houston, Texas. TPS is a vital industry event,
Next month Dynaflow Research Group will be one of the exhibitors at the 13th EFRC Conference in Zagreb. The EFRC is an institution promoting the interests of compressor users and compressor industry. #energytransition
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The Netherlands
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