Writing of Fiberglass specifications and procedures

The basis for reliable fiberglass piping systems are the specifications that lay out the requirements to the system regarding material quality, engineering, installation and inspection and test plans. Dynaflow Research Group helps operators, contractors, and developers in many different ways to ensure the reliability of their fiberglass piping systems.

Dynaflow revises client’s specifications and procedures for EPC projects as well as for internal operational departments. Apart from incorporating the latest versions of the international design standards and test standards, we also incorporate best practices from Dynaflow’s varied engineering projects and field work. It is our key objective to make the standards easy to use and full of checklists. It is important to make the documents more accessible and stimulates all parties to follow the developer’s specifications.

Some of the specifications place a lot of focus the particulars of fiberglass piping compared to carbon steel piping. For example, it addresses the material qualification program that is based on pressurized tests. The nomenclature in fiberglass design standards may often lead to confusion and it is our focus to prevent this in the specifications that we write. Other focus points are joint quality, pipe burying and field hydrotesting.

The basis for reliable fiberglass piping systems are the specifications that lay out the requirements to the system regarding material quality, engineering, installation and inspection and test plans. Dynaflow Research Group helps operators, contractors, and developers in many different ways to ensure the reliability of their fiberglass piping systems.

For more information, please contact:

Edwin Schimmel
Project Engineer Engineer

Phone: +971 (0)4 447 4479

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