Wintrack Tower: Static and Dynamic Assessment

This case study detailed the static and dynamic assessment of a Wintrack Tower. Wintrack Towers represented a new geometrical design for suspension towers for high-tension wires, available in several types. The most robust, stiffest, and heavily loaded towers were the corner towers located at points where the high-tension wire routing changed direction.


Based on the specified load cases for the corner tower, from a structural integrity perspective, the most critical items and corresponding load conditions were selected. The critical items identified included:

  • The attached clips of the isolators
  • The tower deflection
  • The tower’s dynamic response to vortex shedding due to wind
  • The static stress distribution around the door at the foot of the tower
  • The buckling of the bottom section of the tower

The majority of the analyses conducted were static, except for the wind assessment. For wind impact, an analysis conforming to Eurocode 1 was performed. This type of analysis considered the dynamic properties of the tower, utilizing Finite Element models in most analyses. A wind impact analysis was performed complying with Eurocode 1.

wintrack tower, stress assessment, stress analysis


The following conclusions were drawn from the assessment:

  • The calculations demonstrated that the access door portal of the tower required substantial reinforcement to keep wall stresses below the project-defined acceptable material yield stress.
  • Upon implementing the applicable reinforcement, the Finite Element calculations showed that the tower met both stress and deflection criteria, confirming its fitness for purpose under the specified load conditions.

This comprehensive assessment ensured the structural integrity and operational reliability of the Wintrack Tower under various static and dynamic load scenarios, adhering to rigorous engineering standards.

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