Windfarm Layout Optimisation

Seawind have developed with early partners Offshore Wind Plant layouts and is applying for sea area concessions in the Mediterranean Sea sector. The Mediterranean Sea is all deep, the deepest European Sea reach depths of 2,5 to 3,5 km. This is classed as ultra-deep-water territory for the offshore wind sector. At these depths there are only limited offshore wind floating solutions for deployment.

Seawind is developing with Dynaflow Research Group a 293MW Floating Offshore Wind Plant and a 9300 MW Floating Offshore Wind & Hydrogen Plant in the Western Med Sea (the Projects -Appendix 2). Dynaflow is working together with SeaWind to optimise the location of the individual floating windturbines.

For the optimisation of the layout many different parameters are identified to be included in the optimisation function. These parameters vary from engineering parameters such as the wake from the individual turbines, to more cost related parameters such as cable length. The complete parameter space is currently being investigated and the impact and variation of each of the individual parameters taken into account. In close collaboration with SeaWind a optimisation function is determined to arrive at the most optimal solution for our client.

We expect to complete this study in the coming months bringing offshore wind energy a step closer to reality.

For questions, please contact:

Dynaflow Research Group
Niels Erik Bos
T: +31850580046

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