Upcoming PRG webinar

Upcoming PRG webinar: ASME Section VIII – Div. 2 Nonlinear Nozzle Design Rules & B31J – Consistent Guidelines

This coming Wednesday, November 15th Paulin Research Group (PRG) will present a webinar which covers ASME Section VIII – Division 2 nonlinear nozzle design rules in conjunction with B31J and NozzlePRO that can save money, and improve designs. More detailed analysis usually means higher allowable loads and an ability to avoid overconservative stress classification guidelines. During this webinar PRG will show how B31J defines the sustained load test and how it syncs with ASME Section VIII and the Ev Rodabaugh basis documents, 0.75i, and how all of this is incorporated into FEATools and NozzlePRO. This webinar will also include demonstration and discussion of another BOS B31 example.

This webinar is part of a series of webinars hosted by PRG. On September 28th PRG presented a webinar which covered the new B31J standard and a new tool to predict possible problems due to hydraulic-mechanical interactions which uses the BOSfluids engine to calculate fluid loads in piping systems; BOS B31. To view this webinar click here.

Any questions regarding this news item, please contact:

Email: Iris Joele
Marketing & Sales

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