Preventive Analysis Of A Fiberglass Ballast System On A Vessel
Introduction A surge analysis and static stress analysis were necessitated for an FRP ballast water system following a prior incident to prevent its recurrence. The
Introduction A surge analysis and static stress analysis were necessitated for an FRP ballast water system following a prior incident to prevent its recurrence. The
Introduction The seawater system was classified as a class A system per the Service Limit State (SLS) standards. Constructed from reinforced fiberglass piping, it comprised
Introduction In the North Sea, three monopiles were equipped with a deluge fire-fighting system. To ensure its effectiveness, a water hammer calculation was carried out.
Introduction This case involved fulfilling a client’s request to perform a surge analysis and static and dynamic stress analysis about the cooling water lines and
Introduction In the process of extending an existing power plant, the addition of a new power plant was deemed necessary. This new facility was designed
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