DRG presents at OpenFoam Workshop 2023
Dynaflow Research Group has given a presentation today “Validating and extending the use of BOSfluids using OpenFOAM” at the OpenFOAM Event at the TU Delft organized by the Dutch OpenFOAM user group.
Dynaflow Research Group has given a presentation today “Validating and extending the use of BOSfluids using OpenFOAM” at the OpenFOAM Event at the TU Delft organized by the Dutch OpenFOAM user group.
Today Dynaflow Research Group will join the TU Delft Institute for Computational Science and Engineering (DCSE) in hosting an introductory course in the use of
Many industrial processes involve the transport of granular particles in flowing fluids. Simulation of these granular fluid flows is not trivial because of the different
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The Netherlands
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