Dynaflow Research Group is an active contributor to Simulation Friday on Twitter. This simulation can be anything from something serious and technical to something that is not really relevant. Over the years we have created funny and cool short simulations which most of the time are directly connected to our core business such as fluid flow, CFD studies ect. ect.
Several of these simulations are created with our own developed software packages such as BOSfluids and BOSpulse and our software development kit JIVE for advanced numerical simulations. Others are made using Helyx CFD software since we have extensive experience in applying advanced CFD techniques using a variety of tools like OpenFOAM, HELYX, ANSYS Fluent and ANSYS CFX on a wide variety of projects.
We invite you to visit our visit our SimulationFriday playlist on YouTube or to follow us on Twitter.
For engineering consultancy questions please contact:
Frank Bos
Project Manager
+31 85 058 00 46