13th International Conference on Pressure Surges 2018, 14-16 November, Bordeaux
DRG will attended and presented a paper at the 13th International Pressure Surges Conference 2018 in Bordeaux.
The paper “Numerical investigation of reciprocating valve characteristics on pressure pulsations” is a result of newly developed functionalities in BOSpulse , DRG’s pulsation analysis software. BOSpulse can now account for the effect of the valve motion of reciprocating pump on the calculated pulsations.
The paper that DRG will present illustrates the influence of the valve motion. The modelling ease of our BOSpulse software allowed us to simulate and review over 600 different valve/pump configurations within several days. The paper presents the results of these simulations together with recommendations regarding modelling considerations of reciprocating pumps for acoustical simulations.
For more information, please contact:
Wijnand Schoemakers
Project Engineer
Phone: +31 85 058 00 46