There has been a demand for Online FEPipe and NozzlePRO training courses for many years. We are happy to announce that next month we will launch our NozzlePRO online training course through our e-learning platform
NozzlePRO is a template-driven Finite Element software package, specifically designed for the needs of the piping and pressure vessel industries and engineers. With its easy to use interface NozzlePRO allows engineers to analyze a wide range of typical pressure vessel and piping geometries with minimal effort compared to general FEA tools due to the parametric design philosophy. NozzlePRO, like FE/Pipe, is part of the PRG (Paulin Research Group) software suite.
NozzlePRO automatically creates the model geometry, element mesh, applied loads, and boundary conditions based on standard dimensions. Results are presented in terms of ASME VIII-2 requirements instead of generalized stress results. In NozzlePRO the focus is on nozzles, supports, saddles and skirt connections.
In this course participants will not only learn the basics of using the NozzlePRO software, such as modeling, correctly defining loads and model verification, but they will also become familiar with reviewing the results and the relevance to the ASME VIII Division 2 stress categorization and compliance checks. The course allows you to learn in your own pace and does not require travels as all content is organized online. 2 live sessions with the trainer are included in which exercises will be discussed, questions will be answered and difficult topics will be demonstrated. Participants are required to follow the schedule and perform exercises in preparation of the live sessions. The course is suitable to all levels of NozzlePRO users.
On the platform you will find, amongst other things, recordings of the Dynaflow Webinars, video tutorials of software like Caesar II, NozzlePRO, BOSfluids, BOSpulse and video lectures on pulsations, GRP and many other interesting topics. We invite you to use the platform to your benefit, whenever you want to look back at a training topic or improve your skills further!