Dynaflow at sea

This summer one of our engineers, Jesper Spillenaar Bilgen, decided to take a year of to sail around the world. With David and Simon, two friends of his, they had a dream of sailing around the earth one day. In the fall of 2016 they bought a sailboat, a Colin Archer design, named Lotta. While finishing university and earning some money, the three gentlemen spend two years fixing Lotta to get het ready for their trip. Now, they are sailing Lotta around the world in about three years. On their way, they are joined by friends and family, changing crew every 3 to 4 weeks.
On their website you can read a blog, see some pictures and follow them on the map. You can also follow Jesper and his friends on Facebook
We support Jesper in this amazing adventure and we hope to welcome him back in the summer of 2020.

source: https://sailingaround.earth/

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