DRG welcomes Daniëllle de Jong

We are very pleased to announce that Daniëlle de Jong has joined our team as Engineer. Daniëlle is a graduate from Delft University of Technology where she obtained her masters degree in Aerospace Engineering. She gratuated on “Detached Eddy Simulation applied to three-dimensional aerodynamic full car simulations in motersport”.

In her free time Daniëlle is a passionate hiker, boulderer and yoga-lover.

We believe that Daniëlle will be a valuable addition to Dynaflow Research Group. She is eager to make her contribution to our team of engineers and to improve our existing services.

Welcome to the team, Daniëlle!

For more information, please contact:
Iris Joele


+31 85 058 00 46

DRG Recruitment

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