DRG presents at the Rotating Equipment Conference 2016

Bridging the gap between research and field work

Dynaflow Research Group will be presenting two papers at the 3rd International Rotating Equipment Conference on September 14 and 15. The event is a great chance for the company to help bridge the gap between research and field experience as they tackle new problems in design and applications.

Sophisticated modelling for real-world improvements

The first paper is titled: In-field vibration assessment and improvement of the piping at a reciprocating compressor plant. Written by Richard Fawcett and Erik-Jan Lingen, it examines the relationship between vibration and fatigue cracks in piping and bracing, with an emphasis on small bore lines. The group used computational modelling that incorporated technical specifications, tuning it to the dynamic behaviour of the operating piping system. The study resulted in a set of robust recommendations that allowed the company involved to take a number of helpful actions. These actions included the use of rigid supports, bracing and gussets to make the small bore lines less sensitive to vibrations – and therefore reduce cracking.

“We’re excited to be able to share the results of this study at the conference,” says Richard Fawcett. “After all, the purpose of models is to replicate actual field experiences as closely as possible. We hope that the success of our approach will help increases awareness of the factors that affect numerical piping models.”

‘Middle ground’ design advantages

The second paper is titled: Comparison of initial accumulator design using analytical and numerical methods. Written by Wijnand Schoemakers and Richard Fawcett, the paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of analytical and numerical design methodology. Traditionally, there are two approaches to design in this area. The first uses analytical methods for the initial design. However, this can lead to inaccuracies that result in failure down the line. The second approach involves an elaborate API 674 study after the equipment is in place. This can result in the need to change designs, accumulators and piping – all of which is costly and time-consuming. “We suggest a middle ground,” explains Erik-Jan. “Our in-house software is able to simulate pipe flow models, increasing quality in the initial design stage while greatly reducing the need for changes later in the process.”

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