DRG presents at OpenFoam Workshop 2023

Dynaflow Research Group has given a presentation today “Validating and extending the use of BOSfluids using OpenFOAM” at the OpenFOAM Event at the TU Delft organized by the Dutch OpenFOAM user group. Dynaflow, represented by Harald Ottens and Charles Estourgie, is one out of four speakers who gave a talk on how OpenFOAM can be used for various applications.

BOSfluids is a powerful 1D single phase flow solver which can effectively model large piping systems. To ensure the accuracy and optimal calculation efficiency of T-junctions in BOSfluids, many different piping junctions are analysed in OpenFOAM CFD. This will allow for a direct, precise calculation of flow in T-junctions.

As BOSfluids only holds for single phase systems, BOSfluids and OpenFOAM is also a powerful combination for piping systems that are too large for CFD, but require dedicated multi-phase analysis in specific regions of the piping system. By utilising these tools harmoniously both accuracy and time efficiency is ensured.

OpenFOAM is a C++ toolbox for the customization and extension of numerical solvers for continuum mechanics problems, including computational fluid dynamics (CFD). It has a large user base across most areas of engineering and science, from both commercial and academic organizations. OpenFOAM has an extensive range of features to solve anything from complex fluid flows involving chemical reactions, turbulence and heat transfer, to acoustics, solid mechanics and electromagnetics.

For more information please contact:

Harald Ottens
Project Engineer

+31 85 058 00 46

source: DCSE

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