The 3rd DRG Conference Flow Problems in Oil & Gas Industry September 23rd 2015.
In 2015 engineers, academics and students from the Netherlands and abroad were welcomed by Dynaflow Research Group at various occasions to share knowledge and discuss technical subjects. Beside the regular held lecture series DRG, also hosted the 3rd Conference on Flow Problems in Oil & Gas Industry on September 23rd.
The conference
The conference was well visited and with interesting presentations on various flow related subjects. For everyone who missed the conference and would like to see the presentations and for attendees who would like to watch them again, these presentations are now placed online and can be viewed here.
Dynaflow Lecture 2016
For 2016 the Dynaflow Lecture Series continues with some new interesting presentations. Also we continue to host regular Online Webinars. For anyone who is interested in joining: please sign up and we hope to see you soon.
For more information please contact:
Project Manager
+31 85 058 00 46