BOS B31: New fluid-structural interaction tool
Hydraulic Load Consideration per B31.3 para. 301.5
The ASME B31 Committees recently officially released the new Standard we refer to as “B31J – 2017”. This officially makes B31J – 2017 available and part of the B.31 Code. This is a fundamental transformation for pressure vessel and piping design, and it will impact virtually every PVP design project in the future (for more see this news item).
On September 28th Paulin Research Group presented a webinar which covered the new B31J standard and a new tool to predict possible problems due to hydraulic-mechanical interactions which uses the BOSfluids engine to calculate fluid loads in piping systems; BOS B31.
BOS B31 is a simple to use, sophisticated, hydraulic-structural interaction computer program designed by the Dynaflow and Paulin Research Groups and based on more than a quarter century of practical design and analysis experience. BOS B31 computes displacements, reaction loads, stresses and life predictions for many common hydraulic piping problems, starting with any CAESAR II piping model file.
For more information check or BOS
Interested in BOS B31 or BOSfluids? Please contact:
Email: Mark Groen
Senior Engineer
Phone: +31 85 058 00 46