ISOtracer 2.4: Improved and more efficient user interface

Dialog boxes for entering model parameters are embedded in the main ISOtracer window instead of being shown in separate windows. This makes it possible to interact with the model viewer while the dialog box is active.

As has become a sort of tradition, this new ISOtracer release brings many improvements to its user interface that make it even more efficient. For instance, many dialog boxes for entering model parameters are embedded in the main ISOtracer window instead of being shown in separate windows. This makes it possible to interact with the […]

ISOtracer 2.4: Better support for model verification

The results of a pipe stress or pipe flow analysis are only as good as the underlying model. As any non-trivial piping model will comprise a large set of parameters, there is ample scope for making mistakes when building or modifying the model. ISOtracer 2.4 brings improved support for verifying a model in a visual […]

ISOtracer 2.3: Improved and more efficient user interface

The latest ISOtracer release brings many improvements to its user interface that make it even more efficient. For instance, when creating a new project, you can specify global model properties in advance so that you do not have to adjust them afterward. This ISOtracer release also features an automatic, online check for available software updates. […]

ISOtracer 2.3 release notes

The next release of ISOtracer, version 2.3, is available. With ISOtracer you can model and mark up isometric drawings in a single operation. Simply trace along the piping on the drawings to create a 3-D model and position markers at the same time. As has become a sort of tradition, this new ISOtracer release […]

Release ISOtracer 2.2

The next release of ISOtracer, version 2.2, is available. With ISOtracer you can model and mark up isometric drawings in a single operation. Simply trace along the piping on the drawings to create a 3-D model and position markers at the same time. This new version of ISOtracer includes the following improvements: New support for […]

ISOtracer: New support for beam elements and tee junctions

ISOtracer can greatly reduce the effort required to build a 3-D piping model from a collection of isometric drawings. However, when you needed to include supporting steel structures, you had to add those after exporting the ISOtracer model to an analysis application like BOSfluids. This situation is less than ideal as the ISOtracer model could no […]

Release 1.1: Select by Properties in ISOtracer

Building a model of a piping system is more often than not an iterative process. That is, after building the initial model, it typically needs to be modified multiple times before arriving at the final model. As modifications tend to involve multiple elements, an effective modeling tool will provide various ways to select the elements […]

ISOtracer Release 2.1: Support for filtering the isometric drawings

When modeling large piping systems, the number of isometric drawings can become substantial. While ISOtracer is perfectly capable of handling a large number of drawings, it might become difficult to find the particular drawing or drawings of interest. ISOtracer 2.1 therefore provides support for filtering the list of isometric drawings according to a specified search […]

Release ISOtracer 2.1

DRG is pleased to announce the next release of ISOtracer, version 2.1. This new release includes various new components and under-the-hood improvements. The main improvements include: More robust and reliable database handling. To lower the probability that the model database might become corrupt, ISOtracer will open the database only temporarily whenever it needs to access […]

ISOtracer 2.1: More robust and reliable database handling

ISOtracer our rapid 3-D piping model builder, stores the model and the isometric drawings in a single HDF5 database. This has not only proven to be an efficient approach, it is also a convenient approach as only a single file needs to be kept track of. The main drawback of this approach is that a piping […]