BOSfluids 7.1: Improved and more efficient user interface

BOSfluids flow direction

As has become a sort of tradition, this new BOSpulse release brings many small and large improvements to its user interface that make it even more efficient and versatile. For instance, many dialog boxes for entering model parameters are embedded in the main BOSpulse window insteadof being shown in separate windows. This makes it possible […]

BOSfluids 7:1: Extension of the steady state output data

BOSfluids improved its steady state capabilities further by adding element-specific data sets, such as the pressure drop and fractional valve opening, to the collection of steady state data sets.

While BOSfluids has always been an excellent tool for the analysis of transient flow phenomena in piping systems, it is certainly also a more than capable tool for the analysis of steady state flow conditions. BOSfluids 7.1 improves its steady state capabilities further by adding element-specific data sets, such as the pressure drop and fractional […]

Preguntas y respuestas para el webinar: Integración de BOSfluids

Preguntas frecuentes sobre la integración de BOSfluids con CAESAR II con otros programas de tensión de tuberías Lee la versión en inglés ¿Maneja BOSfluids fenómenos de flujo bifásico, como la limpieza/purgado de líneas con gas a presión o llenado de sistemas de aspersores contra incendios? BOSfluids tiene soporte para análisis de inundación y drenaje. Estos […]

Questions And Answers: BOSfluids Integration With Caesar II

Read the version in Spanish Does BOSfluids handle two-phase flow phenomena, like line clean-out/purging with pressurized gas or the filling of a water deluge (fire) system?BOSfluids has support for flood and drain analyses. These analyses assume that the flooding or draining happens sufficiently fast that the liquid/air interface can be assumed to be perpendicular to […]

BOSfluids 7.1: Improved support for modeling gas-filled systems

The release of BOSfluids 7.1 brings improved support for modeling gas-filled piping systems. The addition of a new Custom Gas type, for instance, enables you to specify a complete equation of state in the form of a table listing all relevant gas properties as a function of both the temperature and pressure. T

The release of BOSfluids 7.1 brings improved support for modeling gas-filled piping systems. The addition of a new Custom Gas type, for instance, enables you to specify a complete equation of state in the form of a table listing all relevant gas properties as a function of both the temperature and pressure.

BOSfluids 7.1: Improvement and extension of special flow elements

BOSfluids 7.1 brings several improvements to special flow element types, including check valves, regulator valves and generic equipment.

BOSfluids 7.1 brings several improvements to special flow element types, including check valves, regulator valves and generic equipment. These improvements increase the accuracy of your flow simulations, and lessen the time required to set up a model while reducing the scope for modeling errors.

BOSfluids 7.1: New flow boundary conditions

BOSfluids provides extensive support for modeling a great variety of boundary conditions, both related to flow conditions and to the mechanical behavior of a piping system

BOSfluids provides extensive support for modeling a great variety of boundary conditions, both related to flow conditions and to the mechanical behavior of a piping system.