ISOtracer 2.5 Addition Of A Database And Pipe Schedules

The latest ISOtracer release comes with a new components database for storing material and pipe schedule definitions. The database can be accessed through the Tools/Database menu entry and enables the re-use of components in different models and by multiple people. 

A pipe schedule in ISOtracer is essentially a table that maps pipe size identifiers to an outer diameter and a pipe wall thickness. New input fields enable you to select a pipe schedule and then enter the desired pipe size identifier. The outer diameter and wall thickness will then automatically be entered in the associated input fields.

bosfluids, bospulse, isotracer, pipe schedules, database

When creating a new pipe element, ISOtracer automatically copies the pipe schedule associated with the previous element. In this way, you do not need to specify the pipe schedule for each individual element. The built-in database contains definitions for the standard ANSI and ISO steel pipe schedules so that you do not need to define these yourself. With the addition of the components database, you can build your piping models in less time while reducing the scope for modeling errors at the same time.