BOSfluids 7.2 – Software Release

On-Demand Webinar In this webinar, we dive into the latest features of BOSfluids 7.2. You will learn more about how these improvements can support your project outcomes. In this video we explore a variety of exciting new functionalities, from expanded database categories to performance upgrades for simulations and the introduction of a fire water module. […]
BOSpulse 5.2 Software Release

On-Demand Webinar This webinar explores the latest features and enhancements of the BOSpulse software, specifically in relation to the recently released API 618 edition 6. Our dedicated team has worked diligently to integrate these changes, ensuring that users can efficiently conduct pulsation and vibration studies in compliance with the new standards. Key Learnings Overview of […]
Building Realistic Piping Models Using Only BOSfluids

Traditionally, process and surge flow analysis for piping systems rely on network models. These models simplify the complexity of piping systems but can make it difficult to see how they relate to the actual physical setup. BOSfluids addresses this issue by allowing you to model a piping system both as a network model and as […]
Questions and answers: Surge and dynamic stress analysis for an offshore wind farm using BOSfluids
How does BOSfluids ensure the accuracy of the surge analysis results? As is the case for every software program the accuracy of the results depends on the accuracy of the input. However, BOSfluids does provide users with multiple features to help the user to prevent incorrect results. Every simulation case is checked for input errors […]
Preguntas y respuestas para el webinar: Integración de BOSfluids
Preguntas frecuentes sobre la integración de BOSfluids con CAESAR II con otros programas de tensión de tuberías Lee la versión en inglés ¿Maneja BOSfluids fenómenos de flujo bifásico, como la limpieza/purgado de líneas con gas a presión o llenado de sistemas de aspersores contra incendios? BOSfluids tiene soporte para análisis de inundación y drenaje. Estos […]
Questions And Answers: BOSfluids Integration With Caesar II
Read the version in Spanish Does BOSfluids handle two-phase flow phenomena, like line clean-out/purging with pressurized gas or the filling of a water deluge (fire) system?BOSfluids has support for flood and drain analyses. These analyses assume that the flooding or draining happens sufficiently fast that the liquid/air interface can be assumed to be perpendicular to […]
Upcoming BOSfluids release offers a steady state license option

BOSfluids is mostly known and used for transient flow analyses. However, it also provides a robust, fast, and accurate steady-state flow solver that can handle systems filled with liquids or gases. The upcoming BOSfluids 7.0 will offer a steady-state license option that makes BOSfluids a very capable and cost-effective solution for the analysis of steady-state […]
BOSpulse support added to CSiPlant

BOSpulse support has been added to CSiPlant. As of version 7, CSiPlant can import the harmonic, pressure-induced forces calculated by BOSpulse. This means that you can use CSiPlant, and its non-linear transient capabilities, to assess the structural response of piping systems that are subjected to pressure pulsations resulting from reciprocating pumps and compressors. This effectively […]
Coupled Thermodynamic BOSfluids-Jive Simulations

BOSfluids Thermodynamic ModuleBOSfluids is known for its steady state, quasi-steady state, and transient flow solvers and the more recent interface to the structural solver of ANSYS. Recently the steady state solver of BOSfluids has been extended with a thermodynamic module. That is, given thermal boundary conditions, BOSfluids calculate the temperature profile within the fluid by […]
Jive becomes open source

Jive becomes open source. It is our C++ library that is aimed at solving partial differential equations. It has been used for more than a decade to develop state- of-the art numerical models and algorithms. Including multi-scale models, XFEM models, Isogeometric models and space-time solution methods. As of February the 1st this year Jive will […]