BOSfluids 7.1: Improved and more efficient user interface
As has become a sort of tradition, this new BOSpulse release brings many small and large improvements to its user interface that make it even more efficient and versatile. For instance, many dialog boxes for entering model parameters are embedded in the main BOSpulse window insteadof being shown in separate windows. This makes it possible […]
BOSpulse 5.1: Better support for model verification
The results of a pulsation or API analysis are only as good as the underlying model. As any nontrivial model will comprise a large set of parameters, there is ample scope for making mistakes when building or modifying the model. BOSpulse 5.1 brings improved support for verifying a model in a visual way. In particular, […]
BOSpulse 5.1: Improved and more efficient user interface
As has become a sort of tradition, this new BOSpulse release brings many small and large improvements to its user interface that make it even more efficient and versatile. For instance, many dialog boxes for entering model parameters are embedded in the main BOSpulse window instead of being shown in separate windows. This makes it […]
BOSfluids 7:1: Extension of the steady state output data
While BOSfluids has always been an excellent tool for the analysis of transient flow phenomena in piping systems, it is certainly also a more than capable tool for the analysis of steady state flow conditions. BOSfluids 7.1 improves its steady state capabilities further by adding element-specific data sets, such as the pressure drop and fractional […]
ISOtracer 2.4: Improved and more efficient user interface
As has become a sort of tradition, this new ISOtracer release brings many improvements to its user interface that make it even more efficient. For instance, many dialog boxes for entering model parameters are embedded in the main ISOtracer window instead of being shown in separate windows. This makes it possible to interact with the […]
BOSfluids 7.1: Better support for model verification
BOSfluids 7.1 brings improved support for verifying a model in a visual way.
BOSfluids 7.1: Improved support for modeling gas-filled systems
The release of BOSfluids 7.1 brings improved support for modeling gas-filled piping systems. The addition of a new Custom Gas type, for instance, enables you to specify a complete equation of state in the form of a table listing all relevant gas properties as a function of both the temperature and pressure.
BOSpulse 5.1: Improved support for comparing scenarios and cases
When an API analysis involves a large number of operating conditions your BOSpulse model will be made up of many scenarios and simulation cases. This will make it challenging to keep track of the differences between simulation cases and to determine which cases need mitigation measures in order to meet the API allowable limits. BOSpulse […]
BOSfluids 7.1: Improved support for simulating cavitation
BOSfluids 7.1 implements a new cavitation model named the Homogeneous Vapor Cavity Model that addresses some of the shortcoming of the Discrete Vapor Cavity Model (DVCM) and the Discrete Gas Cavity Model (DGCM).
BOSpulse 5.1: Improved support for modeling PSDs
Pulsation Suppression Devices (PSDs) are commonly used in gas compression systems to reduce the pressure pulsations due to reciprocating equipment. While BOSpulse has enabled one to build accurate models of PSDs, this has been a manual process involving the detailed specification of all elements making up a PSD. BOSpulse 5.1 simplifies this process significantly by […]