BOSpulse: Improved structural analysis interface
DRG » Knowledge Base Articles » BOSpulse: Improved structural analysis interface
The structural analysis interface introduced in BOSpulse 4.0 has been significantly improved in BOSpulse 4.1 so that you can define more detailed structural piping models, and that you have more control over the way that structural analyses are performed. This should reduce the need for maintaining separate flow and structural models, and therefore reduce the scope for errors even further.

The improvements that BOSpulse 4.1 include support for defining insulation layers; specifying the stiffness of restraints; specifying the finite element mesh refinement factor on an element-wise basis; and support for specifying the piping code to be used when calculating flexibility factors and stress intensification factors. The structural analysis interface has also become more efficient, especially when used in combination with the ANSYS structural solver as BOSpulse can read the binary ANSYS results database directly; there is no longer a need to use intermediate text output files. This has reduced the output processing time dramatically in many cases.
With the improved structural analysis interface BOSpulse becomes an even more viable option for performing modal and coupled, harmonic fluid-structure analyses. Even when you do not perform your structural analyses directly from BOSpulse, you can still benefit from the possibility of defining both your flow model and structural model in a single, consistent, and powerful environment.
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