BOSpulse 5.1: Better support for model verification
DRG » Knowledge Base Articles » BOSpulse 5.1: Better support for model verification
The results of a pulsation or API analysis are only as good as the underlying model. As any nontrivial model will comprise a large set of parameters, there is ample scope for making mistakes when building or modifying the model. BOSpulse 5.1 brings improved support for verifying a model in a visual way. In particular, it
can show, by means of colors and labels in the model viewer, the nominal pipe size, the pipe schedule, the inner pipe diameter, the force pairs, the acoustic element lengths, and other element properties. It can also show node properties, including flow boundary conditions and restraints.

When you select an element or node property, you will be presented with a list of all values associated with that property in the model. For instance, if you select the inner pipe diameter, you can see at a glance which inner diameters have been used in the model. Changes in the inner diameter are made visible by means of contrasting colors in the model viewer. This can help you verify that the correct inner diameter has been specified throughout your model. This is not the end point for the model verification possibilities in BOSpulse as we are currently developing new features that will be of further help when verifying a model.
Furthermore, we would also like to inform new and future users that our “BOSpulse Foundations: Pulsation Analysis” training course is available as a self-paced online training course. For more information on this course and other courses please visit us on
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+31 85 058 00 46
or request the demo version.
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