While BOSfluids can be used perfectly fine to build piping models from scratch, this is not really a feasible approach when an analysis involves a (very) large piping system. BOSfluids has therefore provided support for importing piping models from various file formats such as Piping Component Files. In the latest version of BOSfluids, version 6.1, this support is extended to EPANET models that are often available for large (public) piping networks.
EPANET is a public-domain tool that is used throughout the world for modeling water distribution systems. Although it is a capable tool, it does not provide all the pre-processing and post-processing possibilities offered by BOSfluids. EPANET also does not provide support for true transient analyses that are very well supported in BOSfluids.
By using the new EPANET file interface you can import existing EPANET models into BOSfluids and use all the usual features and analysis options, including quasi-steady state analyses, provided by BOSfluids. This makes BOSfluids a viable option for the analysis of (large) water distribution networks and other piping systems for which EPANET models are available.
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+31 85 058 00 46
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