BOSfluids 7.2 Support For Fire Water Coverage Analyses

The Flood & Drain model that has recently been added to BOSfluids enables you to accurately simulate the filling of fire water systems. The new BOSfluids 7.2 release continues this development by adding support for performing fire water coverage analyses with an exceptionally high level of detail. This level of detail is possible because you can define both the piping model and the surface areas to be wetted in three dimensions so that BOSfluids can accurately determine the intersections between sprinkler spray patterns and surface areas.

bosfluids, bosfluids 7.2, coverage tank, firewater, firewater coverage

Setting up a fire water coverage analysis involves three steps. First, you need to extend the piping model with elements of the new Sprinkler type. For each of those elements, you can specify a spray pattern and a maximum distance beyond which the sprinkler is no longer effective. After that, you need to extend the piping model with surface elements that represent the surface areas to be wetted by the sprinklers. Different types of surface elements enable you to model a range of geometrical shapes, including rectangles and cylinders. By default, a surface is closed but you can also specify that it is open, enabling you to simulate grated surfaces.

The third step involves the definition of a new Fire Water Coverage analysis type. When you execute such an analysis, BOSfluids will determine both the steady-state flow conditions and the fire water spray distribution on the surface areas. The results can be printed to a report and also be displayed in the model viewer so that you can determine at a glance whether the spray distribution meets your requirements.

bosfluids, bosfluids 7.2, fire water, coverage staircase

Although the new fire water coverage capabilities have been tested thoroughly, they are still deemed to be an experimental feature because we would like to collect further feedback from users before making them publicly available. Please contact us if you would like to make use of these new capabilities.