How We Work

Our team contains of engineers that work closely together within the project team of the client. They come up with practical recommendations that can fit within the constraints as posed by the client, i.e. costs, schedule, regulations, existing infrastructure, project specifications etc.

Our clients are all over the world wherever our services are required. Besides engineering consulting we have a dedicated team that is certified and have the experience to provide Field Services like field measurements and inspections.

Our Approach

Project Kick-off

The kick-off meeting is crucial to ensure all project goals are set correctly. This is key to understanding what the expectations are, what the problem is, and what kind of mitigation options are present.

Data Collection

The next step is to collect all the required data relevant to the issue at hand. Often, a site visit is conducted as part of this phase. A site visit, however, can also be scheduled as part of the analysis stage.

Rigorous Analysis

During the analysis phase, we create project-specific models to analyze the various issues. We apply codes and standards to assess the situation and find out what can be done to solve the problems we foresee.

Discussion of Results

As soon as results are obtained, these are discussed with the client. This discussion can lead to more analysis, but also to a formulation of the recommendations. At this stage, it is important to discuss mitigation options that are both practical and efficient.


The recommendations are based on the conclusions from the analysis stage and from the discussed mitigation options from the client. Practical and not just theoretical solutions, are key for a successful implementation.

Continuous Support

After the project is completed, questions may still arise. Solutions may require alterations or new problems may arise. We therefore remain in touch with our clients to ensure that we offer all of the support required.

Dynaflow Research Laboratory

Testing of materials and products is important for quality control purposes. Our Dynaflow Research Laboratory is equipped to test various mechanical and physical properties specifically important for the quality of fiber reinforced plastic material. In house testing capabilities, amongst others, consist of:

  • Tensile testing machine Testometric X500-50 (50kN)
  • High-temperature oven for LOI Glass Content Testing
  • Barcol hardness measurement.
  • Optical microscope testing

Find out more about Dynaflow Research Group

standards, codes, certification
Certifications & Standards