Engineering District Cooling and Heating Systems

A District Cooling System (DCS) fits the sustainability challenges that our society is challenged with. It provides cooling capacity from a central facility; chilled water is distributed from this central facility to multiple buildings through a network of underground pipelines. The central cooling facility works more power efficient and it prevents the inefficient use of construction materials as not every building has its own smaller cooling facility.

Likewise, Heating District Systems (HDS) supply heating capacity from a central point to buildings. In this case, the efficiency is achieved because waste heat is used to warm the buildings, rather than releasing it to the environment.

Dynaflow provides engineering consultancy services for CDS and HDS. In the preliminary design stage, Dynaflow performs demand and heat balance calculations and advices on the piping system choices such as material selection and pressure class. In the detail engineering phase, Dynaflow performs stress analyses, surge analyses and pump pulsation studies (API) for the piping and pipelines.

Fiberglass piping material is often used for the piping and pipelines because of its non-corrosive properties. Dynaflow specializes in this material type for CDS and HDS systems and provides consultancy and engineering for the complete FEED and EPC phase including installation supervision services. Dynaflow has a long track record in CDS and HDS projects. For example, many CDS installations in the Middle East were engineered by Dynaflow. Also, related to District Heating is Dynaflow’s participation in the GRE-GEO Research project, which develops a new well completion strategy with GRE (Glass-Reinforced Epoxy) casings as a corrosion-resistant alternative.

Engineering District Cooling and Heating Systems Chilled water plant and Distribution piping Dynaflow
Chilled water plant and Distribution piping

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